1. To leave a sinking ship.
Example: All afternoon Salt directed hopeless efforts to save his vessel. Then, just before 6pm, fearful that Sheffield's stock of Sea Dart missiles was about to explode, he gave the order to abandon ship. (Guardian, “Rear Admiral Sam Salt Obituary,” December 10th, 2009)
2. (Figurative) to leave a failing enterprise.
Example: My partner and I were considering joining the quarter of a million natives who annually abandon the sinking ship that is the UK. The strong devaluation of sterling against the euro has eroded our ability to get out comfortably and if it reaches parity we may be doomed to stay here. (BBC, “Have Your Say: Currency,” April 17th, 2008)
Example: All afternoon Salt directed hopeless efforts to save his vessel. Then, just before 6pm, fearful that Sheffield's stock of Sea Dart missiles was about to explode, he gave the order to abandon ship. (Guardian, “Rear Admiral Sam Salt Obituary,” December 10th, 2009)
2. (Figurative) to leave a failing enterprise.
Example: My partner and I were considering joining the quarter of a million natives who annually abandon the sinking ship that is the UK. The strong devaluation of sterling against the euro has eroded our ability to get out comfortably and if it reaches parity we may be doomed to stay here. (BBC, “Have Your Say: Currency,” April 17th, 2008)
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